Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Portal Traveling Dimensional Beings Speak to 3 People in Daytona Beach, FL Area

Writers Charles McFadden and Danijela Kracun and an anonymous woman encountered and spoke to several Portal Traveling Dimensional Beings (ETs).  The contact took place from 2008 to 2013 in the Daytona Beach Area, FL. Redman, a 9 foot tall, red 15th dimensional being and his "wife" Krill a 7 foot, doll like 15th dimensional being were two of the contacts Charles and Danijela wrote about in their book Conversations with a Light Being: A Guide to Being Peaceful on a Confused Planet.

Redman was the main contact and the book is mostly his advice to humanity to help us evolve and to help our planet have an easier transition to higher levels of the 3rd dimension. Some of the topics discussed are Cellular Memory Attachment, Judgment, Emotions as Energy, Stillness and Letting Go, Ascension, Oneness, Orbs, Soul Mates & Family Units, Religion and Materialism, Enjoying the Now, Helping Others and Being a Role Model, Importance of Trees, Dark Night of the Soul, How to Meet Light Beings Through Astral Projection, The Sun: Our Nutritional Source, The Elements, Meditation, Past Life Injuries, Letting Go of Tools, The Energy of Domination and War, Self Empowerment and the Meaning of Things.

Here are 2 interesting radio interviews with Charles:

The Secret Teachings (Dark Matter Radio)

Paradelphia Radio Interview

The portal the beings traveled through was in the Daytona Beach area because it was somehow tied into the Bermuda Triangle. There were many other beings at the portal but most of them did not speak to humans. There was an Angelic being, Cloud People (hooded,robed beings with a face that looked like swirly clouds) and tall wiggly grass like beings to name a few.

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